
mybina SUPERUSERS and OTHER USERS Tutorial (Part 1)

  • Posted on: 24 May 2016
  • By: the tutor

As they say, if you are registered as the Super User, more super powers for you! You will get access to all modules and click on everything that is clickable, unlike other users!

But remember great powers come with great responsibilities! (Remember Spiderman?)

The major superpowers that you can weild are:
1. able to create Teams and assign projects to them
2. able to see other users' projects
3. able to assign projects/ companies to other users (Basic users)
4. able to post Company Memo

How to create teams 

mybina POWER TOOLS Tutorial

  • Posted on: 24 May 2016
  • By: admin

What is this Power Tools tab about?

Power Tools consists of:

  • All Note List
  • All To Do List
  • SU Project List (SuperUser Project List)
  • Other User List
  • My Team's Project List
  • My Team's Company List
  • Company List
  • Supplier List

These are where you save the info of your interest into special places specifically for you and your team to manage later on.

Based on your subscription to, you are either a :
1) Superuser (SU)
2) Basic User
3) Normal User