Selling to Architects
I recently stumbled onto this great article on selling to Architects. I agree 100% with it.
Basically, before we even attempt to sell our products to the Architects, we must know our products inside out. Not only that, we should also be knowledgeble on our products' categories. Before we can convince them to use our products, we ourselves must believe that our products are really the better option for our clients.
We need to understand how the work process of an architect and how we can help simplify their work, how it will help the architects with their relationship with the building owner, other consultants and contractors, or even the building authorities.
The article is quite long for a blog post but the author has split it into 7 short chapters:
1. The Architect's Buyer Persona
2. Understanding the Architect's Relationships
3. The 1 Simple Key to Becoming the Architect's Go-to Resource
4. Marketing to Architects Through Your Website
5. Marketing to Architects at Trade Shows
6. How to Get Architects to Spec Your Products
7. Marketing to Architects After They Spec Your Product
Here is the link. Happy reading!